San Diego Gives - 2024 | Center Stage SD
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San Diego Gives

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Center Stage Productions is a premier youth theatre organization that was founded in 2004 by six women in San Diego County who wanted to change the way shows were cast in their local youth theaters. 

Their strong belief in an ethical, impartial casting process which gives equal opportunity to every performer is the foundation of Center Stage Productions’ core values. 

This commitment to inclusion, equity, and diversity is reflected in the organization’s three guiding principles:

  • Inclusion -anyone who wants to perform can; we do not make cuts

  • Equity - every request for tuition aid is granted

  • Diversity - to continue our long history of non-traditional casting that gives equal opportunity to every gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, religion, race, and ethnicity


In the 2022 season CSP had a significant impact reaching 201 students and approx 4,200 audience members and employing 11 professional performing teaching artists. American Sign Language-interpreted performances are now being offered. We are also proud to share that there were 37 scholarships given to students in need of financial support. 

CSP serves north San Diego County, from Escondido to Oceanside, south to Poway/Scripps Ranch.  Each season, we have traditionally produced 3-4 professionally directed musicals accompanied by a live orchestra. We also offer summer camps and workshops. 

We are proud to announce in 2023, CSP has partnered with the Escondido Union School District to provide afterschool musical theatre programming to elementary schools in Escondido.  Through this partnership, CSP can double the amount of students in our program by providing free musical theater education to youth in Escondido.

CSP has been recognized by the National Youth Arts Awards for programming excellence. Past awards include Outstanding Ensemble, Outstanding Choreography and Outstanding Music Direction, and youth participants were recognized in their individual roles and as Artists of the Year. We have been featured on KUSI and San Diego Theatre Connection.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:

For more than 20 years, Center Stage Productions has included the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the framework of our programs’ operations. Our commitment to fair and equal opportunity for all performers means that anyone who wants to perform will find a home on our stage. 

Our vision is to be Escondido’s premier youth theatre group, offering a place where kids can actively engage in exceptional musical theatre productions that allows them to gain the benefits of a performing arts education. 

We strive to create a vibrant arts community where all kids feel safe and accepted, regardless of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religion, ability, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 

Our ultimate goal is to inspire and equip the current youth of our community to be effective future arts leaders.   

Our commitments to our community’s youth:

  • Seek out a more diverse student body

  • Continue to add diverse voices to leadership boards 

  • Make programming more accessible financially to all

  • Provide EDI and other training to leaders in the CSP community

  • Present more diverse programming and educational opportunities

  • Actively seek feedback from the CSP community

  • Be open to change as our understanding deepens 

Moving forward, it is of vital importance to us that we prioritize these goals. We know there is incredible potential for EDI expansion in our community, and within our organization. Each day we will strive to work towards these aims, and work to better the future of our community and beyond.

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